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Re: Census decision lacked numbers; 'Thousands' of complaints cited by Conservatives for ending long-form never existed, papers reveal


Toronto Star Article
Richard J. Brennan Toronto Star

Richard Brennan’s piece on the census spin is absolutely bang on. There is no evidence to support government’s claims of privacy breeches or wide spread concerns about the intrusive powers of the Long Form Census.  This was not about anything more than our Prime Minister crossing off yet another item on his bucket list. Canadians need to ask themselves what does this say about our Prime Minister? Why would our PM, who, by job description, should be working for the greater good of the country, not want the best information to provide us the best services?

Let’s be clear,  without the long form census, our decision-making ability is weakened, therefore accountability to tax-payers and how tax dollars are spent is weakened, it counter intuitive...this from the government of accountability. We have now officially entered into the era of make it up as you go along government policy, no data, no discourse, no debate.